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Agenda for March 12, 2012

March 11th, 2012

1. Call to order   1

2. Approve Minutes of February 13, 2012 meeting   1


4. ANNOUNCEMENTS: RNCC PIO Goretha Johnson   5
      If you have any announcements for any entity other than your neighborhood, please give any information you have, to our PIO.  She will make the announcements.  If the information is presented to her before the meeting, your announcement will be included in the mail that is passed around during the meeting so that anyone interested may take notes or contact you outside the meeting.

     A. Public Works Department:  Yader Bermudez   5/5
     B. Engineering Services:  Edric  Kwan   5/5
     C. City Manager/Comm Coord:  Rochelle Monk   5/5
     D. Mayor’s Office:  Marilyn Langlois   3/2
     E. Police Department:  Chief Chris Magnus   10/5
     F. Code Enforcement:  Tim Higares   5/5
     G. Environmental Manager:  Lynne Scarpa   5/2
     H. Planning Department:  Senior Planner   10/5

6. BREAK  (8:15)   10

      Invitation to Chamber of Commerce mixer for the RNCC  Becky Ross   5/5
      New information and meetings from Marin Aggregate  Adam Lenze   5/5




Tonight’s refreshments provided by  North & East & Richmond Heights


RNCC Meeting Minutes, February 12, 2012

March 11th, 2012

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Bea Roberson.

2. MSP approval of the Minutes from January 9, 2012

3. Representatives from the following 17 neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Carriage Hills North, Cortez/Stege, Fairmede/Hilltop, Greenbriar, Hilltop Villages, Iron Triangle, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Pt Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Heights, Richmore Village & Met. Square, Santa Fe, and Shields/Reid.

Announcements from RNCC PIO: Goretha Johnson: Passed around the purple folder that had information about the Richmond Rockets, Juneteenth Kick off Fundraiser and much more.

5. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:
     Public Works: Yader Bermudez passed out a paving schedule and talked about the Recreation Department’s tennis court restoration program for Nicholl Park.  They are restoring the street lights on Marina Bay Parkway.
     Engineering Services: Joel Camacho spoke about the connecting of the Richmond Greenway and the El Cerrito Ohlone Greenway.  They have begun part of the closure but need $900,000 to complete.  They are hoping to get the money from other programs and grants.
     City Manager/Community Coordinator: Rochelle Monk reminded the neighborhoods that are in good standing with the RNCC, that the city will pay for the copying and mailing of their newsletters, 4 times a year.  Each newsletter cannot be more than three double sided sheets and you need at least 200 names for bulk mail.  The special events forms will be with the Recreation Department starting March 1, 2012.  The Human rights Commission with no longer have a city staff person.
     Mayor’s office: Marilyn Langlois spoke about the special presentation that would be at the Iron Triangle’s NC meeting with a short film on Paul Robeson.  The March meet the Mayor will be held at the Whittlesey Room on March 2nd, the next meet the mayor location will be announced.  March 10th from 10-3 is the International Women’s Day event at Dejean Middle School.  The city council is trying to pass a resolution on the Millionaire’s Tax, supporting it.
     Police Department: Deputy Chief A. Brown passed out the city of Richmond Police Department’s Mission Statement.  He discussed the community alert bulletin that would be passed out to all neighbors in a certain radius of a break in or burglary.
     Code Enforcement: Tim Higares spoke about the new code enforcement officer that would be covering vehicle abatement on private property.  He will start bringing parking enforcement officers to future meetings.  They are going through the process of screening the applicants for a code enforcement supervisor.  Code Enforcement is having a Blight Tour of what is still to be done on 2/28/12.  The Public Safety meeting is discussing whether the city should be able to remove vehicle blight from private property (which right now is very lucrative for the City of Richmond).  They now have tow contracts with 6 towing companies.  They are still working with the Railroad to get the fence put up in North Richmond to protect people from the train tracks and yard.
     Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa spoke about the 2012 Community Clean Water Initiative that is a tax on property owners only and is a mail election.  If you have questions, please call John Gless of SCI Consulting at 1-800-273-5167.  This measure needs a 50% plus one to pass.
     Planning: Jonelyn Whales was N/A but did sent the planning departments list of projects to our meeting.

6. Presentations:
   A. Alyssa Lavern spoke to us about Easy Go Richmond. This is a accessible transportation solution that is in it’s first stage at the Richmond Village Apts.  This is a City program that is operated by TRANSMETRO, Inc.
   B. The Richmond Rockets came and gave us a presentation of what they have been doing on the court and off.  Patrick Mitchell, a Richmond native spoke as well as Joel Smith who is from Lompoc CA. Keith Hazell, President of Basketball operations and the General Manager, David Sims also spoke, then they passed out tickets to all of us for the Friday game as well as one lucky RNCC member received a signing basketball.
   C. The Richmond Chamber of Commerce and the Council of Industries have invited the RNCC to a mixer on March 15th at the Courtyard by Marriott.
   D. Garland Ellis gave us a report about the Livable Corridors and the form based codes that the city is thinking of adding to the General Plan.  This would effect commercial districts by the looks and size as well as most would be mixed use buildings.  They were also toying with the idea of having parking lots or centralized parking to increase foot traffic.
   E. Jerry Yoshida spoke on the I-80 corridor and the use of metering lights that Caltrans is thinking of installing from Crockett to Emeryville along the I-80.  He was concerned that they do not have a plan of how to alleviate the traffic that this will push onto the city streets.

7. Old Business: None

8. New Business: None

9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 PM

Thank you to Point Richmond and Greenbriar for providing tonight’s refreshments

Respectfully submitted by,
Jan Mignone,
RNCC Recording Secertary