1. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by President Bea Roberson.
2. MSP approval of the Minutes from the June 11, 2012 meeting.
3. Representatives from the following 15 neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Carriage Hills North, Coronado, Fairmede/Hilltop, Laurel Park, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Park Plaza, Pullman, Richmond Annex, Richmond Heights, Richmond Village/Metro Square, and Shields/Reid Neighborhood Councils.
4. Announcements from RNCC PIO: Goretha Johnson was absent but President Bea Roberson read about the Red Oak Victory film schedule and a few other things upcoming.
5. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:
Public Works: Yader Bermudez passed out the paving schedule and public works updates for the next few weeks and answered questions.
Engineering Services: Edric Kwan came to say goodbye to us. He has taken the position of Public Works Director/Town Engineer with the City of Moraga. He told us to continue with our community organized and good works. He is proud of what the citizens of Richmond have done while he was working here.
City Manager/Community Coordinator: Rochelle Monk talked about the Cities of Service Model that she is working on with the focus on “impact volunteering”. Bill Lindsay was also in attendance and spoke a little about the budget gap deficit and how it might be closed in the next few months by working with the City’s unions and trying to cut costs. He also wanted to explain about the grade separation project and that the state doesn’t want to give us the $4 million promised and needed to be 100% funded. We can contact our state legislators Ms. Skinner and Ms. Hancock.
Mayor’s office: Nicole Valentino reported on many of the past events we have had in the city over the past month. She also brought copies of “Richmond Pulse” written by the youth of Richmond. She told us a little about the Richmond Food Policy Group that meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at the Richmond Community Foundation’s location on Harbor Way from 6 – 9 PM.
Police Department: Chief Magnus spoke about residential crime being down again for another month and even home burglaries and stolen cars are down by 11%. He reminded us about National Night Out on August 7th and he also discussed some of the retirements that have occurred in the department as well as Laurie Curran’s return. We will have a new district attorney, Barry Grove, in our police department as they rotate each year. The Chief meets with businesses and nonprofits in all three districts and if we can think of anyone that we think he should meet with, let him know. He also discussed squatters and what you can do to keep them out of your neighborhood. This was the city’s first year that it was illegal to shoot off fireworks and they did cite some people.
Code Enforcement: Tim Higares was absent.
Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa was absent but Joanne Lei was there in her place and she talked about the National Night Out “Green Competition” how you can have less waste, have a composting bin, recycling bin, use tablecloths, have your guests bring their own utensils, plates and cups.
Planning: Richard Mitchell, Planning Director came and reported on the Whole Foods refrigerated warehouse building they are building out by UPS. They have had a lot of interest in businesses coming to Richmond but so far none have filled out paperwork yet. The Livable Corridors summary should be online soon. July 31st is the next Housing Element meeting. They are also working on zoning issues for the Southshore Specific Plan which is from the bayside of 580 from Marina Bay to Central Ave.
Fire Marshall: Terry Harris spoke about how the Fire Department works with other departments to accomplish what they need to get done. They are doing hazardous materials inspections to comply with AB 21. They also inspect any building that has 5 or more housing units as well as inspecting the public buildings in Richmond.
Housing & Community Development: Patrick Lynch spoke about the work they are doing on the Mira Flores project now and what they still need to do before it can built. He told of the many programs and low cost home loans they have. They will be having a focus group in August and will be asking some of the RNCC members to attend.
6. Presentations:
Lynn Mueller from WriterCoach Connection spoke about their program and this year they are bringing they coaching to Richmond High this year.
Sam Chapman from LBNL came to speak to about their introduction event on July 26th for the Community Planning Workshop, doors open at 6:30 PM. There will be another event on August 8th at the Richmond Auditorium that will tell us about the science that will be on that site. Their timeline is as follows: Finish with cleanup and environmental work by mid/end of 2013. Construction to go from 2014 to 2016 and occupancy to begin around 2017.
7. Old Business: None
8. New Business: None
9. Adjournment: This meeting was adjourned by the President at 9:17 PM
Thank you to Pullman and Panhandle Annex Neighborhood Councils for providing tonight’s refreshments.
Respectfully submitted by,
Jan Mignone
Recording Secretary