1. The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by President Bea Roberson.
2. MSP approval of the Minutes from the September 10,2012 meeting with 2 abstentions.
3. Representatives from the following (14) neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Fairmede/Hilltop, Hilltop Villages, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Park Plaza, Pt. Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Annex, Richmond Heights, Sante Fe, and Shields/Reid.
4. Announcements from RNCC PIO: Goretha Johnson announced Arbor Day on Oct. 20th, the RAC free skeleton event on the 27th, CCC phone alerts, WriterCoach Connection and the completing of the Bay Trail. These were just a few of the items in the purple folder that was passed around.
5. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:
Public Works: Yader Bermudez N/A Warren Williams was here in his absence – He spoke about PG&E having supply problems, the street paving schedule for the next 2 weeks was passed out. He also talked about the work being done at BTA park and bridge as well as how the street sweeping works when there is a holiday.
Engineering Services: Joel Camacho updated us on the Master Street Light Plan and that the city is going to change 1100 of their 3300 street lights to LED lights. They still have 2300 more to do and they are getting bids and looking into having all the lights on the parkway converted to solar. The cost is $1.3 million but the cost to rewire them is $900,000. They will do a sample solar light on Garrard Blvd.
City Manager/Community Coordinator: Rochelle Monk spoke about the Cities of Service planning phase is this year and next year will be the implementation. She is working on the All-American City Award form.
Mayor’s office: Nicole Valentine spoke about the California Endowment as well as give us a list of past events and a few upcoming events.
Police Department: Chief Magnus spoke about Richmond getting some good press as our homicides were down 41% for the year as well as assaults with deadly weapons were down 40% for the year. The closing of the Richmond Juvenile Court all but ended our curfew ordinance, but the Chief presented a letter to the Superior Court Judge and they will allow the Judge who was presiding over the Juvenile Court (and is now an adult judge) to hear cases in Richmond twice a month. He is also on the CCP sub committee that is working to use the $19 million that the state gave CCC to use towards the realignment of prisoners from the State to the county. The Family Justice Center is close to being presented to the City Council for funding. The police and fire departments in both Richmond and El Cerrito will be kicking off their food and toy drive at the Courtyard by Marriott from 7-9 am on November 9th.
Code Enforcement: Tim Higares spoke about the North Richmond fence has been completed and the UP paid for the entire fence. They are getting the “drop boxes” in parking lots permitted and they are 95% there. They have new notices for squatters that any city agency that comes in contact with squatters, they will give to them. They will be taking 2 flash cameras to City Council, the locations are where they is continuous dumping. The City Manager is working with Code Enforcement on the Blight Irradiation Initiative which will allow the City to take over blighted property, fix them up and sell them.
Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa awarded the neighborhood that tied for second place at NNO and it was the 32nd Street neighborhood watch. She talked about all the plastic bags that end up in our creeks and waterways. The City will be adding 2 trash catching devices to help to keep trash out of our waterways. Cities in West County are thinking of getting together and having a plastic bag ban.
Planning: Kieron Slaughter spoke about the department going out in the city and looking for illegal fences and signs throughout the city. He also told us that Grocery Outlet is interested in having a store in the old Albertsons store at San Pablo and Macdonald Aves. The vacant property outside the entrance to Chevron will become Chevron Business Park. He also discussed what is happening in other neighborhoods in Richmond.
Fire Department: Terry Harris N/A
6. Presentations:
1)We had a presentation from Demetria Saunders, Shahad Wright and Bernadine Anderson about the Walk to Nature to take place on Saturday, October 27th from 9-3. People will be walking from 4 starting points then all converging on Miller Knox Regional Shoreline by 11 am. They will also have activities there at the park after you arrive and when the event is over, you will be driven back to where you began the day.
2)Shahad Wright also spoke about Halloween event at the Coronado YMCA on Saturday OCT 27th from 6-9 pm. The proceeds for this event benefit Making Waves Educational Program and the Coronado YMCA.
7. Old Business:None
8. New Business: 2013 Executive RNCC Board Slate was announced as follows:
Don Woodrow, President; Jerry Yoshida, Vice-President; Bea Roberson, Treasurer; Jan Mignone, Recording Secretary; Stanly Anderson, Corresponding Secretary; Goretha Johnson, PIO; George Schmidt, Sergeant at Arms; Garland Ellis, Director at Large #1; Janie Holland, Director at Large #2; and Christine Hayes, Director at Large #3.
9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm and we would like to thank Hilltop Villages and Park Plaza for tonight’s refreshments.
Respectfully submitted by,
Jan Mignone
Recording Secretary