RNCC meeting minutes, July 14, 2014
August 26th, 20141. The meeting was called to order at 6:59 pm by President Don Woodrow. He thanked Fairmede/Hilltop and Carriage Hills North for tonight’s refreshments and an agenda correction; the next executive board meeting will be September 15, 2014. A quick reminder that there are no City meetings in August and that includes the RNCC.
2. MSP approval of the Minutes from the June 9, 2014.
3. Representatives from the following (15) neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Carriage Hills North, Coronado, Eastshore, Fairmede/Hilltop, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Park Plaza, Point Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Annex, Richmond Heights, Richmore Village and Metro Square, and Santa Fe NCs
4. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:
Public Works: Yader Bermudez was not available, but Warren Williams was there in his place. Warren told us about the street paving schedule and that they have replaced 30-50 lights on the Parkway. They are about ¾ done with installing the concrete vaults for the light standards on the Richmond Parkway. Once this is completed, they will pull wires and then there will be lights. This is the time of year that they will be doing irrigation and weed abatement.
Engineering Services: Tawfic Halaby was unavailable and no one came in his place.
City Manager/Community Coordinator: Rochelle Monk spoke to us about volunteering and Cities of Service and that Richmond is a Leadership City. She is working towards getting grants and grant opportunities. We were reminded that you cannot list the names of candidates in the newsletters. If you are having any debates or candidates nights, you need to have 2 sides to every story. There were changes to the RNCC budget so Rochelle took $1,000.00 from the NUSA convention travel budget (now $2,000.00) and gave it to the mailing fund. Hopefully, we will not run out of money.
Mayor’s office: Nicole Valentine reminded us about the Chevron final EIR meetings at City Council on the 22nd and 29th of July. There will also be a commemoration for the Port Chicago tragedy at the Rigger’s Loft on July 19th.
Police Department: Chief Magnus, because of the budget cuts this year National Night Out will not have any caravans as in the past. The Chief, his Deputy Chiefs, the Captains and some of the LTs will be out and going to different block parties. We just won’t have fire engines, and police cars and staff. Anyone that is normally in the caravans can still participate.
Code Enforcement: Tim Higares – not available but the Chief spoke on his behalf. He would like our support for the attorney that resides in Code Enforcement, as she is instrumental in getting many things through the court system that without her might not get taken care of. This will be on the consent calendar at City Council on July 15, 2014, so the Chief has asked for support of this position.
Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa told us that this is the time of year when yellow jackets and mosquitos are the most prevalent. She passed out information regarding both of these issues and someone had asked her before about dead birds in the area. We don’t have West Nile Virus like they do in East Contra Costa County so we don’t have to be as vigil about dead birds. The City has received a grant to work on the eastern part of the greenway and the bio-swale for San Pablo and McBryde has not begun because one of the cities has not submitted it’s permits yet.
Planning Department: Lina Velasco talked with us about the form based code that should go before the Planning Commission in September and the City Council in October. She also reminded us that the Chevron Modernization Project will be going before the Planning Commission on July 22nd. They are working on the completion with San Pablo for the 13th Street / Rumrill Blvd Complete Streets Plan. They have received $735,000.00 for the eastern span of the Greenway. They also have a request for a podium-designed building with parking and a 4 story residential building.
Fire Department: Terry Harris was not available, so Robin Poindexter was here in his place and spoke to us about the differences between fire trucks and fire engines. Fire trucks carry ladders and fire engines carry water. There is also a difference between firemen and fire fighters. Firemen came from the train and they were in charge of keeping the fire going so that the steam engine would go. Fire fighters fight fires. There is a new smoke detector law going into effect in CA in July 2015. All smoke detectors must have a 10-year, non-replaceable, non-removable battery. The fire department also is giving the NCs a chance to sign up for fire extinguisher training at their meeting. It takes about an hour to get through all of the participants.
5. Announcements from RNCC PIO: Garland Ellis told us about a free bicycle safety course that will repeat over the summer. The Red Oak Victory film series will continue on July 24th and their pancake breakfast will return on August 10th. The sign ordinance is coming before the Planning Commission this Thursday and July 21st is the last day for comments on the San Pablo specific plan and that should be done through the city of El Cerrito.
6. Presentations:
1) NUSA convention goers, Rochelle Monk, LaShonda White, and Jan Mignone presented what they heard, saw and learned at this year’s NUSA conference in Eugene, Oregon. There were 55 different sessions you could take and you had to pick 5. There were 10 neighborhood tours and you were able to go on one. Rochelle and LaShonda arrived early Wednesday morning and were able to take the asset mapping tour. They learned about sustainability and sustainable gardens, grant writing and volunteers don’t like to be recognized in public. They all took different sessions, so as to make sure they got the most out of the sessions. There were sessions on leadership classes, growing neighborhoods, how to create communal types of neighborhoods and much more. They all three thought there was much to take away from the convention and much that the city and others could learn from these conventions.
2) Marie Hubbard from Rebuilding Together East Bay North was unable to present due to illness.
7. Old Business: Pam Wimberly Memorial Bench – President Don Woodrow discussed how we had researched the original location at Nicholl Park and that it is in the back of the park and the other option is right next to the skate park and we would rather have it somewhere more protected. As the Executive Board discussed where else we might place the bench, we came upon the idea of having it in the Justice Center garden or front area. The Executive board still needs to get the family’s consent but we really think this is the best of both worlds. It will be in her neighborhood and will be at a place that she would have supported wholeheartedly.
8. New Business: None
9. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Stanly Anderson Recording Secretary
There are no meetings in August. The next meeting will be the general meeting on September 8, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Multipurpose room, 440 Civic Center Plaza. Refreshments for the September meeting will be provided by Richmond Annex and Marina Bay. The next Executive Board meeting will be on September 15, 2014 at 7:00 pm, in the Downtown conference room, 2nd Floor, 440 Civic Center Plaza.