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Agenda for June 8, 2015

June 7th, 2015

Refreshments are available at 6:45 preceding the meeting.
Tonight’s refreshments provided by the Mayor’s office.
(No food or drink may be brought into City Council Chambers)




(One person will give your Neighborhood Council report)

If you have an announcement for any group other than your neighborhood council, please give the information to our PIO, Garland Ellis (  Garland will make the announcement.  If the information is presented to Garland at or before the meeting, your announcement will go in the file circulated during the meeting.


City Manager’s Office: Rochelle Monk (510-620-6512)   **3/3

Mayor’s Office: Mayor Tom Butt (510-620-6503)   5/3

Police Department: Police Chief Chris Magnus (510-620-6655)   7/5

Fire Department: Fire Marshall Terry Harris (510-307-8031)   7/5

Planning Department: Staff (510-620-6702)   3/2

Code Enforcement: Tim Higares (510-620-6508)   7/5

Public Works Department: Yader Bermudez (510-621-1238)   3/5

Engineering Services: Chad Davisson (510-620-5486)   3/5

WCCCSD: Marcus Wilson (510-231-1151)   3/5

** 3 minutes for presentation/3 minutes for questions

(We arrive at this point in the Agenda at approximately 8:40 pm)


City Manager, Bill Lindsay to discuss the budget   10/5
WCCCSD, Lisa LeBlanc to discuss capital projects   3/5


Election of a Sergeant at Arms, Chiara Swartout, Belding Woods
Election of a Director at Large, Weiler Jones, Fairmede Hilltop



NEXT GENERAL MEETING: July 16, 7 pm, City Council Chambers
Refreshments at the July meeting to be provided by Marina Bay and Richmond Annex

NEXT BOARD MEETING:  June 15, 6:30 pm, Conference Room, 440 Civic Center Plaza



RNCC Meeting Minutes, May 11, 2015

June 2nd, 2015

1.  The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by President Don Woodrow. President Woodrow passed out some information on the Berkeley Global Campus and the group from the City that is involved. There is also another group that is being the watchdog over both the University and the Berkeley Global Campus Advisory Committee (BGCAC) and you may hear from them soon. The BGCAC will meet at the Richmond Field station on Thursday May 14, 2015 at 6:30 pm and it is a public meeting. President Woodrow also announced the passing of George Schmidt, our Sergeant at Arms and long time member of the RNCC.

2.  MSP approval of the Minutes from April 13, 2015 with one nay.

3.  Representatives from the following (17) neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports:Belding/Woods, Fairmede/Hilltop, Greenbriar, Hilltop District, Iron Triangle, Laurel Park, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Park Plaza, Pt. Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Heights, Richmore Village & Metro square, and Shields/Reid Neighborhood Councils.

4.  City Department Heads/City Official Reports:

Public Works: Yader Bermudez told us that the City has no more money for paving but they are still filling potholes and once the new fiscal year begins, they will start paving again. They are busy redoing the lighting on the greenway, completing the Swim Center’s rehab by the end of June, repairing the West Library, renovating the Senior Centers restrooms (making them ADA compliant) and enlarging the kitchen, and fixing the traffic signals on the Richmond Parkway. They are betting bids for the Hilltop Dr, 23rd Street and Ohio paving project that will start in the new fiscal year.

Engineering Services: Tawfic Halaby came to us and explained how the Engineering Department is now configured. They are submitting grants for the Active Transportation program, they are working on the Mira Flores project, Mira Flores Creek, Greenway Gap closure and the traffic safety program. They only received one bid for the Carlson Blvd and Cutting Blvd crossing and it was above the cost the engineers had come up with. It will have to be sent back out to bid. They have completed the LED street lights and are working on cutting curb ramps. They will be working on the Nevin Ave project from the Civic Center to BART. They are also working on more cleanup at Pt. Molate.

City Manager/Community Coordinator: Rochelle Monk talked about the Youth Leadership Service group and the Youth Talent Show that will happen on Friday, May 15, 2015. Rochelle and Jan Mignone from the RNCC will be going to NUSA next week and will present about the conference at a later date. The City Manager and the Finance Director will present at the next RNCC meeting in June with the budget. “Love Your Block” will be coming to the RNCC meeting in July and tell you what they are doing in the City of Richmond.

Mayor’s Office: Alex Knox & Terrance Cheung talked about phase I of the Branding and Marketing campaign the Mayor has begun with a marketing study and will have phase II to implement the study. They just had the “My Brother’s Keeper” Summit and it was a great success. The Richmond High Health Academy presented their Y-Plan for the City’s General Plan. The Mayor’s office will be hosting the RNCC refreshments, On June 6, 2015 there will be a Richmond Rainbow Pride Picnic (more to come on this during the presentation). Mayor Butt’s first 100 days in office have already passed and there have been articles written on the subject. The Mayor has sent a letter and hopes that the Contra Costa Sheriff will be at the City Council meeting regarding the 150,000 ft expansion of the West County jail on the last Tuesday in May (the 26th). Please contact John Gioia regarding this expansion and what it means to Richmond. The next City Council meeting will be closed in honor of George Schmidt, who passed away on May 6, 2015 and was a long time member of the RNCC as well as May Valley NC.

Police Department: Chief Magnus reminded us that if we do not have a Beat Officer at our monthly meetings, then to please contact our Captains so they can find out the problem and get one to our next meeting. Cinco de Mayo was a great event and it had a great turnout and no incidents. The County Mental Health Services are teaming up with RPD (Jesse Sousa) and will follow up with requests from the Beat Officers that know what citizens need their help and try to reduce the number of people being sent to County Hospital and then released back into the community. The Family Justice Center will have it’s grand opening on June 4, 2015 at 256 24th Street at 3:00 pm. RPD are continuously in training and they have had training in good decision making and will soon be trained on de-escalation skills. Car theft is up 12-13% and RPD are asking for the NCs help. The City has authorized RPD to fill up to 185 positions and that includes 20 vacancies that they have.

Code Enforcement: Tim Higares talked about the Notice of Order that Code Enforcement use on building that are health issues. They may not be abandoned but they might not have running water or electricity. right now they have 58 properties that fit the criteria and it takes time and energy to get these through the court system. They are working on the neighborhood cleanups but have lost their e-waste company and are looking for a new one to take and write a check for the e-waste that has been recycled. They are applying for a HUD grant to expand the neighborhood cleanups as well. They are always looking for volunteers and coming up the week of May 11th, Chevron volunteers are cleaning the greenway from Marina Way to 23rd Street. They are also looking for some socially conscious teens to help keep Richmond clean over the coming Summer months. They are also working with Gompers HS to do some murals (art) where there is always grafitti. In most cases, murals are not graffitied. They are also working on homeless encampments but they must go by the book to make sure that no one’s rights are trampled.

Planning Department:  N/A but someone brought the latest planning projects list.

Fire Department: Terry Harris talked to us about the only high rise in Richmond, 2400 Nevin Ave, Nevin Plaza. They have had a rash of fires there and they were all cooking fires or grease fires. The City installed “Smart Burners” in these units and they will shut off the electric stoves when they reach 662 F or 435 C. They are writing an ordinance that will require all public housing with electric stoves to install “Smart Burners”. These burners are universal and induction stoves are very safe to use.

5.  Announcements from RNCC PIO: Garland Ellis told us about “Rich – What”, an event being put on by the ESC. There is also a Youth Service Showcase coming as well as the Public Safety Awards Banquet on Friday. There are some planning issues coming to the City Council; the Housing Element of the General Plan is being presented to City Council on May 19th. The South Richmond Connectivity Plan Draft is now on the City’s website for review.

6.  Presentations:

1) Wade Meyer representing Richmond Rainbow Pride. They will have their first Pride event on June 6, 2015 at the Marina Bay Park from 10am to 3pm. It will be a small family-friendly event with music, food, activities and social connection. They will also start to counseling and case management support hours at the Native American Health Center. They will also have a float in the SF Gay Pride Parade the end of June.

2) Marcus Walton, the Director of Communications for the WCCUSD; He talked about the successes that have been happening in our public high schools. De Anza High School received a Gold Ribbon and they have a Gates Millennium Scholar this year. Graduation rates are 88% at Richmond High and Kennedy increased their graduation rates by 2.5%. The School Board is looking for a way to use the funding that the Governor has earmarked for schools and students. The WCCUSD is having Decision Day 2015 is a day where all of the graduates that have been accepted into colleges and universities will be able to tell their family and friends. this is guided along the lines of student athletes naming the college or university they have chosen.

7.  Old Business: the RNCC Executive Board needs to replace the Corresponding Secretary and one of the Directors at Large. Cezar Zapeda and Chira Jacobis have been asked and they have agreed to fill these positions until December 2015. There was a motion and a second and this was a unanimous vote. Cezar will be the Corresponding Secretary and Chira will be the Director at Large.

8.  New Business: The Executive Board will discuss filling George Schmidt’s Sergeant at Arms position at the May 18th meeting.

9.  Adjournment: President Don Woodrow adjourned this meeting at 9:14 PM.

Tonight’s refreshments were provided by Pullman and Panhandle Annex’s NCs.

Respectfully submitted by,

Jan Mignone Recording Secretary

Next General meeting will be June 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm at the City Council Chambers.

The next Executive Board meeting will be May 18, 2015 at 6:30 pm in the 2nd floor Conference room, above the City Council Chambers