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RNCC Meeting Minutes, February 13, 2017

March 8th, 2017

1.  The meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm by President Stanly Anderson. President Anderson reported that 5 of our neighborhood councils were very close to being members in good standing with the RNCC. Some need to pay the $40.00 dues and some need to attend 6 our 12 meetings. We added a presentation from Larry Lewis Executive Director of Richmond PAL.

  MSP approval of the Minutes from the January 9, 2017 meeting.

  Representatives from the following (16) neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Belding/ Woods, Castor Heights, Coronado, Hilltop District, Hilltop Villages, Iron Triangle, Laurel Park, Marina Bay, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Park Plaza, Pullman, Richmond Heights, Richmore Village/ Metro Square, Santa Fe, and Shields/Reid NCs.

4.  Announcements from RNCC PIO:
Madalyn Law Told us about the Black History Celebration that will happen at the Richmond Auditorium on February 25, 2017 at 5:30, the cost is $20.00 and that includes dinner and entertainment. Spring Workshops for Richmond Promise are happening on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 9th and 20th of March at the Civic Center. Crime Prevention is Wednesday, February 15, 2017 and the Easter Hill Memorial Church will be showing the movie “ Birth of a Nation”. There will also be Time with Tom on February 23rd from 5-7 at NerdCrossing on Appian Way.

5.  City Department Heads/City Official Reports:

Engineering & Capital Improvements: Rob Chelemedos reported back on the issues that we had asked Tawfic Halaby last month and most of the stop sign issues were having a traffic study done. The City is monitoring the leaking if the Dornan Tunnel that was just redone about a year ago. Someone asked for an ADA ramp on 37th and Macdonald.

City Manager/Community Services: Rochelle Monk was ill.

Mayor’s office: Sequoia Eramus, the newest employee to the Mayor’s Office spoke to us about the compost odor complaint from residents and what is being done to curb the smell, there will be a community meeting regarding the Nevin Main Post Office and what we need to do to keep it. She talked about the Mayor’s plan to get Pt Pinole to have horse stables that would take the many horses that need new homes. On March 10th for 4 to 6 will be his newest NIAD art installation and it is open to the public. Wednesday, 2/15/17 is the business roundtable and the guest speaker is the owner of That’s My Dog” The Mayor’s office is still working on the branding and marketing of the City and the Mayor will have his State of the City address on February 28, 2017.

Police Department: Chief Allwyn Brown spoke about 2016 overall crime being down but the start of the new year has seen an increase in street robberies. Anti-theft devices are one of the deterrents for auto thefts, The Police Department is beginning a Public Safety Academy and they arming residents with crime prevention and behind the scenes looks at what RPD does. You will graduate as  an ambassador to the RPD. Staffing within the police department is moving in a positive direction and they will be returning the Bravo Companies back to their neighborhoods in April. They are adding more Rangers and Police Cadets as well. They hope to increase the police force by 12 more officers by Summer.

Department of Infrastructure and Maintenance and Operations: Tim Higares is still working on finding good homes for the horses located off Giant Rd. CalRecycle is expanding the bulky item pick and we hope this will cut down on the dumping within the City. They are installing 15 new cameras around the City to help with dumping and other issues. If you are planning a neighborhood cleanup, DIMO has supplies that you can use. It takes the whole City to keep it clean. Tim will start to send other department heads that are under him within the City.

Planning Department: Jonathan Malagon spoke about some of the planning projects within the City. Making Waves has purchased property to expand their school from a 6 acre to a 20 acre campus. There is a new zoning lookup tool on the website to help you know what can and can’t happen in your neighborhood.

Fire Department: Adrian Sheppard was not available.

WCCUSD: Marcus Walton announced the District and Ed Funds Excellence Award winners at their schools; De Anza High School Spanish teacher Paula Raj, Grant Elementary School third grade teacher Tiffany Chieudjui, El Cerrito High School dance teacher Jessy Kronenberg, and Korematsu Middle School English teacher Sarah La Due. He also told us that the substitute teacher’s daily pay has increased and there would be a black college fair at Richmond HS. Ski Week is February 20th -25th and this Wednesday night’s School Board meeting will be discussing another charter school. Woodrow Wilson Elementary school will be rebuilt in the 2018 school year after a new set of plans have been drawn.

6.  Presentations:
1) Executive Director of Richmond PAL. Larry Lewis wanted to thank us for all of the donations that were made to the Shop with a Cop fund. They were able to take 40 children and 25 teenagers to shop with a cop. There were more children than officers available but the children still had a good time. He also invited us to the Annual Board Meeting Luncheon honoring All Attles Jr on Wednesday, March 8, 2017 at 11:30 am.

2) Tideline Water Taxi: Danielle Weerth to discuss the new and exciting water taxi in Marina Bay (docks next to the Harbormaster’s office). The cost is $11.00 one way and you need to book your tickets online. You cannot just walk on board or they would need to be like a ferry service and they are a taxi service that serves many people at once. They can get you from Marina Bay to SF in 35 minutes (sure beats rush hour traffic) This is a 40 passenger boat that is running a commuter service as a private company. They do take Commuter Benefit checks. They will start a weekend service in the Spring (once the weather is better). You can take it to SF Giant ballgames and to Warriors games when their new arena is completed. You can get more information at

7.  Old Business: None

8.  New Business: None

9.  Adjournment: This meeting was adjourned by President Anderson at 9:05 PM

Respectfully submitted by,

Jan Mignone
Recording Secretary


Agenda for February 13, 2017

February 7th, 2017




(One representative will give your Neighborhood Council report)

If you have an announcement for any group other than your neighborhood council, please give the information to our PIO, Madelyn Law (  Please send information in PDF format.  Madelyn will make the announcement.  If the information is presented to Madelyn at or before the meeting, your announcement will go in the file circulated during the meeting.


Mayor’s Office: Alex Knox   620-6503   5   3

DIMO: Tim Higares   621-1279   5   3

WCCUSD: Marcus Walton   205-3092   5   3

Police Department: Chief Allwyn Brown

RPAL: Larry Lewis   233-1214   5   3

City Mgr / Comm Services: Rochelle Monk   620-6512   5   3

Fire Department: Chief Adrian Sheppard   307-8051  5   3

Planning Department: Hector Lopez   620-6841   5   3

Eng. & Cap. Improvements: Robt. Chelemedos   5   3


TIDELINE WATER TAXI: Danielle Weerth   10   5




RNCC BOARD MEETING: February 27, 2017  (City Holiday on Feb 20, 2017)
7:00 pm  2nd Floor Conference Room    440 Civic Center Plaza

7:00 pm, City Council Chambers
Refreshments   To be Announced