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RNCC Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2018

January 15th, 2018

Refreshments available at 6:45 preceding the meeting provided by
Santa Fe and Point Richmond Neighborhood Councils

1.   The meeting was called to order at 7:04 by President Stan Anderson.

2.   Presidents Report: We enjoyed a delicious catered Holiday Dinner at the Senior Center. Collected $134 to donate to the PAL music program. There will likely be two Board seats open as Treasurer Bea Roberson and First Vice President Naomi Williams have resigned. Stan announced that the meeting would be recorded to be played online.

3.   Introductions and Neighborhood Reports:

a.   Belding Woods: No report.
b.   Castro Heights: There will be a quarterly meeting on Saturday, January 13.
c.   Fairmede/Hilltop: John Gioia will be attending a potluck dinner at the Membership meeting on January 25. All are invited.
d.   Greenbriar: No report.
e.   Hilltop: No report.
f.   Iron Triangle: No report.
g.   Laurel Park: No report.
h.   Marina Bay: No report.
i.   Panhandle Annex: No report.
j.   Park Plaza: The next membership meeting will be Thursday, January 10.
k.   Point Richmond: Odors continue to be a problem. Planning a community event for the Spring.
l.   Pullman: No report.
m.   Richmond Annex: No report.
n.   Richmond Heights: No report.
o.   Richmore Village: No report.
p.   Santa Fe: No report, the SFNC meets the 4th Thursday of the month.

4.   RNCC Secretary, Jan Mignone, was not present so minutes of the previous meeting were not distributed or approved.

5.   Announcements: RNCC PIO, Madlyn Law announced activities on the Greenway for MLK Day of Service. Unity Park, Greenway at 16th.  Saturday, January 20 day to enroll for Covered California.

6.   Departmental Reports:

City Manager’s Office: Gambino gave details of an event sponsored by the city’s Healthcare for All initiative that will be held on January 20 to help people enroll in Covered California.  Materials and assistance will be available in English and Spanish.

Planning Department: Roberta Feliciano from the planning department answered some questions.  May Valley concerned about relocation of Methadone Clinic.  Directed them to Hector Lopez.  Question from Point Richmond, re: 130 Railroad. Historic Commission dealing with this.  Question of NC review came up, personnel in Planning Department recommends that those seeking permits consult with NC’s.  However, this is not mandatory and it seems not enforced all of the time.  Arto, Fairmede/Hilltop asked about permitting fence that is 3’ tall.  All fences need to be permitted.

Engineering Department: Reported on “Greenway Gap” project which will connect Greenway and Ohlone Greenway.  Greenway extension will be near Mira Flores, Noth of Home Depot at San Pablo Ave.  Potholes, accepting and prioritizing requests.

Mayor’s Office: Announced activities for MLK day as described above.  The “False Alarm Reduction Program is not going well.  It is dependent on individuals registering alarms at a cost of $50.  Trying to get alarm companies to take responsibility for registering.  Can call in false alarm reports to 885-809-2054.  The City will be hosting a joint meeting of the City Council and WCCUSD Board tomorrow.

WCCUSD: Announced kindergarten registration starting immediately.  Open enrollment will be from 2/5-2/16.  District is holding a Hiring Fair January 10 4P at Pinole Middle School.  Three schools (Verde, Peres, and Montalvin Manor) are being changed to K-8 schools.  This is being done with parent support to encourage students to stay in WCCUSD and slow the “charter school encroachment”.  Contract approved to begin rebuild of Wilson School.  School will be moved this summer and it is expected the rebuild will be complete by 2020.  Val Cuevos is new School Board President.  Are studying a “Positive School Climate Initiative”.

Planning Department: Hector Lopez, noted that 6 of the projects are not assigned to neighborhood councils.

DIMO: (not present)

Fire Department: (not present)

Police Department: (not present)

7.   Presentation:

Report on Richmond Bicycle Pedestrian Committee.  Jesse Stewart reported that the committee continues to focus on “right-sizing roads” and additional bike/pedestrian issues.

Report on Richmond Office of Emergency Services.  Ms. Genevieve Pastor-Cohn described her comprehensive past involvement in emergency services throughout the state.  She described details of the Emergency Response during the wildfires in the North Bay area (Napa, Santa Rosa, Sonoma, etc.)

8.   Old Business: None

9.   New Business: None

10.   Meeting Adjourned

Minutes Respectfully Submitted,
Richmond Neighborhood Coordinating Council

Margaret Jordan
Corresponding Secretary.


Agenda for January 8, 2018

January 3rd, 2018

Refreshments available at 6:45 preceding the meeting Provided by: Santa Fe & Point Richmond


2.   PRESIDENT’S REPORT:  Meeting is being video recorded   2

(One representative will give your Neighborhood Council report)


If you have an announcement for any group other than your neighborhood council, please give the information to our PIO, Madalyn Law ( Please send in PDF format.  Madalyn will make the announcement.  If the information is presented to Madalyn at or before the meeting, your announcement will go in the file circulated during the meeting.

6.   REPORTS FROM CITY STAFF:   64              Present / QA

Police Department: Chief Allwyn Brown 233-1214   5 / 3

City Mgr. / Comm. Services: Rochelle Monk 620-6512   5 / 5

Fire Department: Chief Adrian Sheppard 307-8051   5 / 3

Planning Department: Hector Lopez 620-6841   5 / 3

Eng. & Cap. Improvements: Robert Chelemedos 231-3011   5 / 3

Mayor’s Office: Sequoia Erasmus 620-6503   5 / 3

DIMO: Tim Higares 621-1279   5 / 3

WCCUSD: Marcus Walton 205-3092   5 / 3


Richmond Office of Emergency Services: Mgr. Genevieve Pastor-Cohen   20 / 10

Bike Path Report: Sequoia Erasmus   5 / 5





JANUARY 22,  7:00 pm
2nd Floor Conference Room, 440 Civic Center Plaza

FEBRUARY 12, 7:00 pm
City Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza