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RNCC Meeting Minutes, March 14, 2011

March 20th, 2011

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm by President Bea Roberson.

2. MSP approval of the Minutes from February 14, 2011

3. Representatives from the following 21 neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Carriage Hills North, Cortez/Stege, Country Club Vista,
Eastshore, Fairmede/Hilltop, Greenbiar, Hilltop Villages, Iron Triangle, Laurel Park, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Park
Plaza, Pt. Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Annex, Richmond Hts., Richmore Village / Met. Sq., and Santa Fe.

4. Announcements from RNCC PIO: Janie Holland announced N&E spring garage sale, Up & Under St. Patty’s Day fundraiser, and an article about PAL in the Express
with her picture.

5. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:

Public Works: Yader Bermudez – Painting projects, electrical upgrades at the Auditorium, Planting vines along the Bayview to Cutting Blvd.,
doing clean up and irrigation repairs as well as pruning. Street repairs on hold but doing potholes and digouts.

Engineering Services: Edric Kwan – Paving program is out to bid (didn’t use outside consultants, the city engineers did all the bids), traffic
safety program out to bid as well as surface drainage and sidewalk gap.

City Manager: Bill Lindsay – Santa Fe neighborhood had their clean up & collected 53 tons of garbage. The city is putting together an
ordinance for curb painters. FEIR project approval of Pt. Molate will be on the city council agenda (the only item) on April 5th. ½% tax proposal will be on the June 7th ballot with or without a state election.  Resident survey out this month, will hve the results in May.

Mayor’s office: Marilyn Langlois – The Mayor has the following resolutions for city council: supporting the public workers in Wisconsin, support for the naming of Fred Jackson Way, support for more control over cell towers, and an ordinance for waste water treatment plant’s
hauling of untreated water out of Richmond.

Police Department: Chief Magnus – Property crime down 15%, prostitution down, shots fired calls are tracked by shot spotter.  They are on Facebook another way to interact with the community, also starting a regulatory panel to help with education, fair enforcing, taking care of alarms and false alarm calls, and taxi’s that come into the city and take away from city registered taxis.

Code Enforcement: Tim Higares – not available

Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa – How to prevent weeds without using pesticides.

Planning: Lamont Thompson – not available but sent a list of planning projects under review.

6. Presentations:

Michael Beer, 5th Annual Silly Parade – wants everyone to come out and either be in or watch the parade Saturday April 2, 2011 from 10:30 am to 11:37 am. The route is 24th to Macdonald Ave. to 23rd St to Nevin Ave.

Fire Inspector did not show up.

7. Councilperson: Jovanka Beckles – spoke about what she learned coming to the meeting and wanted us to support Catahoula Coffee

8. Old Business:

Pipeline Seminar should be in March/April. Mailing committee has sent out requests from councils, awaiting responses. Publicity committee has attended their first event and may be at the boxing matches Saturday put on by PAL

9. New Business: NUSA is in Alaska, May 26-28th. The city to sponsor one, maybe two people to go.

10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.

Thank you to Fairmede and Carriage Hills North for the refreshments


Agenda for March 14, 2011

March 4th, 2011

1. Call to order        1

2. Approve  Minutes of February 14, 2011 meeting          1


4. ANNOUNCEMENTS           5
RNCC PIO; Janie Holland
If you have any announcements for any entity other than your neighborhood, please give any information you have, to our PIO.  She will make the announcements.  If the information is presented to her before the meeting, your announcement will be included in the mail that is passed around during the meeting so that anyone interested may take notes or contact you outside the meeting.


A. Public Works  Department, Yader Bermudez       5/5
B. Engineering Services, Edric  Kwan        5/5
C. City Manager/Comm Coord, Rochelle Monk        5/5
D. Mayor’s Office, Marilyn Langlois       3/2
E. Police Department, Chief Chris Magnus       10/5
F. Code Enforcement, Tim Higares       10/5
G. Environmental Manager, Lynne Scarpa            5/2
H. Planning Department, Lamont Thompson      5/6

6. BREAK (8:15)        10

Richmond Fire Department; regarding  C O detectors and fire prevention And brush removal
Deputy Inspector Harry Thompson          10/5
Michael Beer: Annual Silly Parade          5

Mail Committee, Outreach Committee

NUSA Representatives