RNCC Meeting Minutes, April 11, 2011
April 18th, 20111. The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by President Bea Roberson.
2. MSP approval of the Minutes from March 14, 2011
3. Representatives from the following 17 neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports: Garriage Hills North, Cortez/Stege, Fairmede/Hilltop, Greenbriar, Hilltop Villages, Iron Triangle, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Pt. Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Annex, Richmond Hts., Richmore Village / Met. Sq., Santa Fe, and Southwest Annex.
4. Announcements from RNCC PIO: Janie Holland announced events for the coming month.
5. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:
Public Works: Yader Bermudez – Introduced the new man in charge of streets, Warren Williams (510-231-3083) and gave us a list of paving as well as updates on the work they are doing around the city.
Engineering Services: Lynne Scarpa filled in for Edric Kwan- She gave information about the meters to be installed in Pt. Richmond to monitor the “rotten egg” smells coming from the waste treatment plant.
City Manager: Rochelle Monk -Announced neighborhood clean up dates and the use of neighborhood parks by neighborhood councils – you may have one annual event and National Night Out, after those 2 events you will be asked to have insurance to use the parks. Community Survey is out and will be online in May for everyone to fill out. A new volunteer program is coming soon.
Mayor’s office: Marilyn Langlois – Art vs Blight will be regulated by a new ordinance to brought to city council by the Mayor.
Police Department: Chief Magnus – Both violent crime and property crimes are down but property crime during the day is still a problem. The dept. just received 2 new officers and one code enforcement officer. The first reading of the long awaited noise ordinance will have it’s first reading May 3rd. He clarified the dept’s use of Explorers as best he could.
Code Enforcement: Theresa Tingle & Nicole Ewing filled in for Tim Higares -There is a morotiruim on the crackdown of mobile food carts, so the CC Health Dept and Richmond Code Enforcement are unable to go forward with their crackdown. Passed out flyers with their information.
Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa – How to deal with yellow jackets and discussed how we may need to use pesticides if nothing else works.Next month – Energy.
Planning: Lamont Thompson: – Passed out the list of projects planning is currently working on.
6. Presentations:
Chevron- Heather Kulp spoke to us regarding community outreach and how you can apply for small grants for your neighborhood.
Bill Lindsay and Dr Bruce Harter spoke about the ½% tax to be on the ballot in June and how the city proposes to use for the schools.
7. Councilperson: Not present
8. Old Business:
Pipeline Seminar April 14th. Mailing committee had no report. Publicity committee had no report.
9. New Business: NUSA is in Alaska, May 26-28th. Don Woodrow to go to NUSA.
10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.