RNCC Meeting Minutes, July 11, 2011
September 5th, 20111. The meeting was called to order at 7 pm by President Bea Roberson.
2. MSP approval of the Minutes from June12, 2011 meeting.
3. Representatives from the following (18) neighborhoods introduced themselves and some gave reports:Carriage Hills North, Cortez/Stege, Country Club Vista, Fairmede/Hilltop, Greenbriar, Marina Bay, May Valley, North & East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester Village, Park Plaza, Pt. Richmond, Pullman, Richmond Annex, Richmond Heights, Richmore Village/Met. Square, Santa Fe, and Shields-Reid.
4. Announcements from RNCC PIO: Janie Holland announced that Terrance Cheung, John Gioia’s chief of staff, will be out in the community starting in El Sobrante. Petitions to stop the county from dividing Richmond when redistricting the counties.
5. City Department Heads/City Official Reports:
Public Works: Yader Bermudez-not present but sent Warren Williams in his place and he discussed paving roads and Nicholl Park as well as the New marquee for the Richmond Auditorium.
Engineering Services: Edric Kwan- not present but sent Tawfic Halaby in his place. He discussed the paving management program and that they would be receiving more money for paving this year. Upper Cutting Blvd and So. 23rd St & Hilltop are some of the worst streets to be paved this fiscal year.
City Manager/Community Coordinator: City Manager Bill Lindsay spoke on the adopted budget that is approx. $750,000.00 in the red from the $131,000,000,000.00 budget. The city council is against the redistricting process if it will split the city. The lateral sewer program will be year round and will have fliers for it soon. New Library Director, Katy Curl, to start August 1st.
Mayor’s office: Marilyn Langlois brought a list of events in July. The first reading of the Richmond ID ordinance passed last meeting and it must pass the second reading and then it takes 30 days to become an ordinance.
Police Department: Chief Magnus – not present but sent Deputy Chief Brown who brought June 2011 ComStat report. Property crime is still the problem crime and they have Sgt. D. Williams working on some new strategies to prevent property crime as well as Capt Sappal is doing crime prevention workshops at NC meetings in the Northern district. Project Cease Fire will probably be up and running in 8-10 weeks. Someone asked if there could be a campaign next year regarding fireworks and guns on the 4th of July.
Code Enforcement: Tim Higares – not present but sent Renee Souza, the newest code enforcement officer to Richmond. She has 10 years police/code enforcement experience. Was laid off in Antioch and is now here to stay in Richmond. Her beat is the Southwest beat. She was asked if it is still mandatory to have your garbage cans out of sight on non garbage days and it is true.
Environmental Manager: Lynne Scarpa gave us a hand out discussing the trash and coastal clean-up.
Planning: Lamont Thompson passed out the latest panning projects and told us the planning department was approached about a second hand store going in where Safeway is and he was told by Councilman Corky Boozé that we need good businesses to be the gateway to our fair city.
Council Liaison: Corky Boozé spoke about working for the people and he is there to hear our complaints and whatever we believe needs to be done to make a better Richmond.
6. Presentations:
Bill Lindsay and Councilman Jeff Ritterman came to invite everyone and get everyone excited about the chance of LBNL coming to Richmond at the Berkeley Lab Field Station.
Chevron Revised Renewal Project came to tell us what they want to produce once this project is completed. Still needs to go though the EIR stage and have public comment time. There is a city wide refinery tour on Sept. 10, 2011 from 9am to 1pm. Chevron also has neighborhood liaisons and if you are interested contact Andrea Bailey or Heather Kulp.
7. Old Business: None
8. New Business: None
9. Adjournment: This meeting was adjourned at 9:28 pm.
Thank you to Panhandle Annex and Pullman for the refreshments.
Respectfully submitted by,
Jan Mignone
Recording Secretary