RNCC Meeting Minutes February 8, 2021

P.O.BOX 5508 RICHMOND, CA 94805
(510) 620-6512

Call to Order:  Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President Jan Migone.

President’s Report:  There is one change in the agenda.  Councilmember Johnson will not present this evening due to illness.  He will re-schedule for the February meeting.

Introductions:  Representatives from the following neighborhoods introduced themselves and some had reports: Fair Meade/Hilltop, Greenbriar, Hilltop District, Laurel Park, Marina Way, Mill Valley, North and East, Panhandle Annex, Parchester, Park Plaza, Pullman, Santa Fe, and Shields-Reid.  City staff present:  Lt. Mollen, RPD, Noah Brownlow, RFD, Carlos Castro, Engineering & Capital Improvements, Roberta Feliciano, Community Development, Stephanie Ny, Community Services.  Speakers, Sabrina Saunders, Pastor Henry Washington, Guests, Cordell Hindler, and Don Gosney.

Approval of Minutes: Not available

Reports from City Staff:

RPD: Lt. Mollen, Down trend in property crimes, violent crimes have increased. Burglaries both commercial and residential are on the increase.

Community Development: Roberta Feliciano, no report.  Accepted questions.  Why are projects in neighborhoods no longer coming through the Neighborhood Councils?  Answer- Currently the State is not requiring individuals to get permission from the Councils, but permits are required for all projects.

Eng. & Cap. Improvements: Carlos Castro, No street sweeping on holidays.  Also a moratorium is currently, in place for the next 60 days.  City Council will revisit in the future.  Work is being completed on Garvin and Carlson Streets; speed bumps being installed.

RFD: Noah Brownlow, Gave a power point presentation on the Fire Department’s stats.

Community Services: Stephanie Ny, Provided information on the Love your Block program.  If interested applications are available. 

Announcements:  PIO Garland Ellis, Announced there is a memorial service for Mary Silva, February 11th.  Block Capt. Training provided by Crime Prevention is February 17th. Nicolas Dominga is sponsoring an Anti-bullying program for K-3 graders.  Morena Brown, Shields Reid, had a mobile vaccination clinic sponsored by CDHC and the Contra Costa Health Dept.  Were able to vaccinate 41 Seniors in the Shields Reid neighborhood.  Arto Rinteela has a food give away Saturday 10-2:00 at the Hilltop Community Church all welcome.


Stephanie Ny, Community Services, Love Your Block,
Stephanie provided information for the Love Your Block Program.

Sabrina Saunders/Pastor Henry Washington, One Accord Project
This is a faith-based organization seeking help from the Neighborhood Councils to assist in signing up people in the underserved neighborhoods to provide mobile testing and vaccinations for COVID19.

Old Business: none

New Business: Create a discussion on the state of the housing crisis in Richmond in particular to the existing disparity of cost and location.  Move to Executive Board.

9:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:
Madalyn Law, Recording Secretary
