Agenda for September 16, 2019

Monday, September 16, 2019, 7:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza

Refreshments available at 6:45 P.M. Preceding the meeting
Provided by Castro Heights and North & East NC’s

1. Call to Order

2. President’s Report: This meeting may be video recorded, if you would not like to be recorded please let someone from the Executive Board know. Remember to be respectful of our speakers and to ask questions that are on topic.

3. Introductions

4. Approve Minutes

5. Announcements: RNCC PIO Madalyn Law, If you have an announcement for any group, please give the information to our PIO, Madalyn Law ( Please sent in a PDF format. Madalyn will make the announcement and if she has received it before the meeting it will be included in the folder circulated during the meeting.

6. Reports from city staff:

DIMO: Tim Higares 5/3

Fire Dept.: Adrian Sheppard 5/3

WCCUSD: Marcus Walton 5/3

Police Dept.: Terry Mollenbernd 5/3

Community Services: Rochelle Polk 5/3

City Manager’s Office: Samantha Carr 5/3

Planning Dept.: Staff 5/3

Eng. & Cap Improvements: Jose Urquilla 5/3

Mayor’s Office: Alex Knox 5/3

7. Presentations:

2020 Census, Darlene Rios Drapkin 10/10

Mayor Tom Butt 20/10

8. Old Business:

Walk of Honor

Re-Branding the RNCC

9. New Business:

10. Adjournment

Upcoming Meetings:

RNCC Board Meeting
Monday, September 23, 2019, 7:00 P.M.
2nd Flr Conference Room, 440 Civic Center Plaza

RNCC General Meeting
Monday, October 21, 2019, 7:00 P.M.
City Council Chambers, 440 Civic Center Plaza
Snacks: Laurel Park and Park Plaza
