Agenda for March 8, 2010
Richmond Works/East Bay Works, 330 25th Street, Conference Room 1, 7:00 p.m.
1. Call to Order.
2. Approval of Minutes of February 8th, 2010 meeting.
3. Introductions & Neighborhood Reports (Announce Your Name and affiliation and one (1) person per neighborhood give your neighborhood report.
4. RNCC PIO Announcements:
· Correspondence and Announcements, Naomi Williams, PIO-If you have any announcements for any other entity other than your neighborhood please give any information you have to our PIO. She will make the announcements and post them so that anyone who is interested in the event can take notes. There will be a place where they are displayed rather than hand out copies of paper that we just throw away.
5. Reports From City Staff:
- Planning Dept.-Lamont Thompson.
- Public Works Dept.-Edric Qwan.
- Mayor’s Office-Marilyn Langlois.
- City Manager/Community Affairs-Rochelle Monk.
- Police Dept.-Chief Chris Magnus or Rep.
- Environmental Manager Lynn Scarpa.
6. Break (Refreshments provided by Fairmede Hilltop and Marina Bay-THANK YOU!!!)
7. Presentations:
Project to complete a community driven Pedestrian plan. A citizen advisory Group will be formed. Workshops will be held during April & May. Kimley-Horn and Associaties, Jim West PE.: Firm selected by City to conduct a traffic study to identify intersections & streets where there is inadequate traffic safety.
8. Old Business: None
9. New Busniness: Ordinances-Director at Large Garland Ellis.
10. Adjournment
Next RNCC General Meeting: Monday, April 12th, 2010.
Next RNCC Executive Meeting: Monday, March 15th, 2010.